1 00:00:00,840 --> 00:00:04,530 Kathy Dewet: This is my morning routine. I get up a little bit 2 00:00:04,530 --> 00:00:10,770 early and start my day by getting outside, taking a 3 00:00:10,770 --> 00:00:12,000 breath of fresh air, 4 00:00:15,270 --> 00:00:18,810 getting some exercise, and connecting to the 5 00:00:18,810 --> 00:00:22,530 natural circadian rhythms. The sun came up a 6 00:00:22,530 --> 00:00:26,310 little while ago but it's foggy today. Yet there's 7 00:00:26,310 --> 00:00:31,080 still a lot going on. So as I walk I turn off the 8 00:00:31,080 --> 00:00:36,810 cell phone, disconnect from the distractions of 9 00:00:36,930 --> 00:00:40,170 electronics, stay away from that computer. 10 00:00:40,890 --> 00:00:44,610 There'll be enough of that later. I look around 11 00:00:45,780 --> 00:00:48,150 and I also like to find places where there's a 12 00:00:48,150 --> 00:00:52,030 little bit of diverse terrain whether it's sand or 13 00:00:52,030 --> 00:00:55,140 a rocky trail just to give my body some more 14 00:00:55,140 --> 00:01:01,530 natural stimuli. So let's connect to nature and go 15 00:01:01,530 --> 00:01:02,520 for a little walk. 16 00:01:26,900 --> 00:01:31,880 This morning's walk started over by the Channel 17 00:01:31,880 --> 00:01:35,930 Islands National Park headquarters in their native 18 00:01:35,930 --> 00:01:41,900 plant garden. And I've made it now over to the 19 00:01:41,900 --> 00:01:47,060 coast. And one of the really great things you can 20 00:01:47,060 --> 00:01:51,710 do on a walk is what we call "earthing" and that's 21 00:01:51,710 --> 00:01:55,190 kicking off your shoes and letting the soles of 22 00:01:55,190 --> 00:01:58,220 your feet connect to the earth. 23 00:02:11,550 --> 00:02:15,900 It's great to have a nice sandy beach to walk on. 24 00:02:16,680 --> 00:02:20,100 But you can also practice earthing by walking on 25 00:02:20,100 --> 00:02:24,060 the grass lawn which might be much more available 26 00:02:24,060 --> 00:02:24,530 to you. 27 00:02:28,780 --> 00:02:34,200 So this is what we call "beach wrack." Seaweed, kelps, 28 00:02:34,340 --> 00:02:39,720 seagrasses naturally shed or sloughed, and wash 29 00:02:39,720 --> 00:02:44,700 ashore. A lot of times at beaches they groom this 30 00:02:44,700 --> 00:02:48,120 because people don't like all the little bugs that 31 00:02:48,120 --> 00:02:51,710 it attracts. But these little critters little 32 00:02:51,720 --> 00:02:53,490 flies, kelp flies. 33 00:02:56,820 --> 00:03:01,500 Little tiny sand crabs and whatnot. They actually 34 00:03:01,500 --> 00:03:08,140 create a lot of food. And this little sort-of 35 00:03:08,590 --> 00:03:12,280 roughed up area and the sand is where birds have 36 00:03:12,280 --> 00:03:16,180 been feeding. You can see the little holes, where their 37 00:03:16,200 --> 00:03:19,520 beaks have gone in and they've been eating all 38 00:03:19,520 --> 00:03:22,220 these little critters that are attracted to 39 00:03:26,680 --> 00:03:32,020 natural washing ashore of kelp and seagrass. 40 00:03:34,240 --> 00:03:37,240 Here's a little something I like to do when I find 41 00:03:37,240 --> 00:03:41,950 a really nice stringer of kelp. I create a shape 42 00:03:41,950 --> 00:03:45,610 of a heart in the sand and then hopefully that 43 00:03:45,610 --> 00:03:48,550 brings a smile to the next person who passes by. 44 00:03:52,410 --> 00:03:55,060 Another little thing I do when I'm out on my walks 45 00:03:55,060 --> 00:03:59,590 is I do use a tracking application. Not only does 46 00:03:59,590 --> 00:04:04,450 this allow you to track your activities. The one 47 00:04:04,450 --> 00:04:09,310 I've chosen to use has a beacon so that I can send 48 00:04:09,370 --> 00:04:13,330 my information to a friend or family member about 49 00:04:13,330 --> 00:04:16,270 my whereabouts. And that just adds another layer 50 00:04:16,270 --> 00:04:19,660 of safety if you happen to be out in a rural area. 51 00:04:22,820 --> 00:04:25,740 So I'm on my way back to where I started my walk 52 00:04:25,740 --> 00:04:31,080 today. And I was just thinking about how often 53 00:04:31,080 --> 00:04:35,130 people tell me I can't make time to get outside 54 00:04:35,130 --> 00:04:39,590 and take a walk. And my thoughts about that: 55 00:04:41,400 --> 00:04:44,430 There's so many things we can't control right now. 56 00:04:46,310 --> 00:04:51,440 Can't have our classes on campus, and many of the things 57 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:53,840 that we're used to and bring us pleasure. 58 00:04:56,620 --> 00:05:00,880 But truthfully we can choose to get up a little 59 00:05:00,880 --> 00:05:07,870 early and to get outside. And isn't that cool that 60 00:05:07,870 --> 00:05:10,060 we have the power to make something happen? 61 00:05:12,610 --> 00:05:14,060 I think that's just great. 62 00:05:16,420 --> 00:05:22,130 And whether you're walking into outdoor space like 63 00:05:22,130 --> 00:05:27,620 I am along Ventura coastline or walking around 64 00:05:27,620 --> 00:05:31,550 your neighborhood there truly is beauty all around. 65 00:05:33,190 --> 00:05:36,780 Sometimes we have to seek it out. But most of all 66 00:05:36,970 --> 00:05:40,510 we just have to choose to recognize it when we see 67 00:05:40,510 --> 00:05:40,600 it. 68 00:05:44,650 --> 00:05:47,010 So I'm just about to the end of my walk this 69 00:05:47,010 --> 00:05:47,460 morning. 70 00:05:49,490 --> 00:05:52,550 I saw a lot of interesting things, got a lot of 71 00:05:52,550 --> 00:05:57,500 fresh air, and about six miles of walking exercise 72 00:05:57,500 --> 00:06:03,530 in, which feels great. Along the way I saw some 73 00:06:03,530 --> 00:06:07,640 people that I see nearly every day. Smiles were 74 00:06:07,640 --> 00:06:11,120 exchanged from a distance. I even saw some new 75 00:06:11,120 --> 00:06:16,580 people and we had some conversations. And though my 76 00:06:16,580 --> 00:06:21,230 objective wasn't to think about work at all, I did 77 00:06:21,230 --> 00:06:24,500 receive some inspiration from being out and about. 78 00:06:28,390 --> 00:06:32,470 Hope you'll get outside and give it a try. 79 00:06:34,510 --> 00:06:37,930 The more you practice it the easier it gets to 80 00:06:37,930 --> 00:06:41,380 make time. And I can almost guarantee you the 81 00:06:41,380 --> 00:06:42,250 better you'll feel.